I know, I know. The title is random. We've had a long week and a half. The kids got the terrible cold flu with high fevers. It was exhausting. When we asked Mikayla what she thought would make her feel better one day, she said to just let her build her own fort and stay quarantined in it. So....we did. The living room became a meca of moved furniture and comforters everywhere.
Then Isabella just broke out into dancing. It was quite hillarious. I wish I could upload quicker the videos of them dancing for us. TOO FUNNY. There wasn't any music or anything.
I am so excited to be done with my first homemade stocking. I decided late last October to go ahead and pick out stockings for everyone and make them. I had already previously done a tree skirt the same way. So anyway, I fully intended to get them all done before last Christmas. (LAUGHING SHOULD COMMENCE NOW!) Then reality struck and I remembered just how time consuming these things really are. I just finished Jordan's. His is the Drummer Boy of course. For my drumming son. They will all be so great when they are done. Mikayla's is next! Can anyone guess what will be on hers???? You'll have to wait and see.