About Me

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God is good. Greg and I have been priviledged to spend the last 16 years growing our marriage and our family. Mikayla is our oldest child, Jordan is next, and Isabella is our third. We hope you enjoy reading about our journey of Faith, Family & Fun!

Monday, August 8, 2011

It's Inevitable~

It's been four months since I've written. Change Happens. It's inevitable. Sometimes we embrace it and bask in the excitement. Other times we fight it till it finally wins and we're left mourning the differences.

Change has been prevalent in my life over the last year. There have been ups and downs, excitement and mourning. There have been things I had to let go of. There have been things that I have recently gotten to embrace. There will be more change in the years to come as my children grow and our lives develop even more.

I always imagined that once I had an "on track" relationship with God that it would stay constant. But alas, that too has continued to change. There are times of intense closeness and others of wandering. God is always there, I just sometimes get distracted from His presence.

I want to be someone who embraces change because I can't stop it. Trust me, there have been times that I've tried. God has reminded me again that I am a work in progress. That means that He's not finished. There is still more life story to write on my pages.

I sat today in my rocking chair and just looked out my window. It was quiet. I laid on my trampoline tonight and just watched the clouds pass across a beautiful blue sky. It was peaceful. My soul is satisfied. Not because I have everything or because there is nothing challenging, but because God is good and He is with me.

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